Essential Subjects of Online Paralegal Studies

Essential Subjects of Online Paralegal Studies

Essential Subjects of Online Paralegal Studies

A paralegal degree or education earned through online paralegal studies must have the same quality of education as that of normal paralegal schools; for it is through education that a paralegal acquires the germane and vital lessons he needs in succeeding in the paralegal profession.
Online paralegal studies must have a curriculum approved by the American Bar Association and other international associations for paralegals to ensure that students who would take the online paralegal degree would have the competitive and quality type of online paralegal studies.
In online paralegal studies, it is important that the students should take the essential subjects mostly law subjects because this is going to be the foundation of themselves as good and competitive paralegals. Some of the subjects to be included in online paralegal studies are:

* American Jurisprudence – this is important to students taking online paralegal studies and planning to work in American nations. It includes a comprehensive study of the nature of the judiciary and the court system; the federal and state court distinctions; special and/or inferior state and federal courts; the nature of jurisdiction and venue; the administrative process and the nature of law and corresponding judicial power.
* Estates, Trusts and Probate – this will educate students of online paralegal studies in detail the initial planning and preparation necessary for a comprehensive estate plan.
* Torts and Personal Injury – a subject that would inform and teach the students about the torts and the tort law.
* Legal Writing – must be taught also in online paralegal studies because most of the paralegal duties involve writing and drafting.
* Legal Research – a paralegal must know how to conduct a research, that’s why this subject must be also given priority.
* Ethics and Professional Responsibility – It is an in-depth review of the law of professional responsibility as it affects paralegals, identifying and resolving ethical problems, and practical tips to use in everyday practice. The modes and rules of this that will be included in online paralegal studies must be in accordance with the standards of ABA and National Federation of Paralegal Associations.
* Civil Litigation – this would be an interesting subject matter since some paralegal are allowed to come in court and do some preparations for litigations.
* Other laws such as family law; criminal law; employment law and other practical law subjects. Paralegals, though are not interested in entering the law school to become lawyers, they must know or have knowledge on these subjects because as they enter the paralegal profession, they would be dealing with these subject matters.