Trademark Symbol: What You Should Know About Trademarks and the Registration Process

Trademark Symbol: What You Should Know About Trademarks and the Registration Process

Trademark Symbol: What You Should Know About Trademarks and the Registration Process

Many people today now prefer starting their own business. In fact, people work in companies just to earn enough money to have a capital for investing in their own business. You have to face the fact that you don’t want to be employed with a particular company for a long time. Having your own business has a lot of benefits. It will include giving you complete freedom where you can have the choice of how to run your business and it will give you the chance on experimenting on your ideas on how to successfully run a business.

However, you have to consider that starting a new business isn’t just about having enough capital and making a business plan. You should consider that you should also have your own business trademark. The trademark is very important in a business. This will serve as a unique symbol that will separate your business from other businesses. For example, if you are out buying for a pair of shoes, you will realize that there are different kinds of shoes with different consumer opinions. You will also have a opinion on which brand of shoes you want to purchase. The first thing that you notice between the different kinds of brands in shoes is the trademark symbol it has.

You can easily distinguish which company designed and made the shoes by simply looking at the logo. Through logos and trademark symbols, you will see that you can easily distinguish one brand from another. The trademark symbol will tell you about the reputation of the company and will also tell you what you are going to purchase. These are the main reasons why you need to have a trademark. However, officially a trademark is used to prevent confusion in consumers when purchasing one brand from another. By having a trademark for your products, the consumer will not be confused on which product to purchase.

First of all, you will notice that no trademark is alike. You have to consider that you have to register your trademark and the registration process will take time. Your trademark symbol will undergo an examination in the PTO where it will determine if your trademark is unique and bears no similarities with existing registered trademark. It is a lengthy and expensive process that you should consider. This is why you should think of your trademark symbol design first before having it registered with the PTO. By making sure that no registered trademark symbol bears similarities with your trademark symbol, you can be sure that you will not suffer from rejections from the PTO.

To make sure whether your trademark symbol is already being used or is already registered, you should conduct a trademark search or you can hire a patent and trademark lawyer to do it for you. It is recommended that if you don’t know anything about the trademark registration process, you should hire a patent and trademark lawyer. These people are knowledgeable about the different step-by-step process in searching for trademark symbols and they are also the people whom you can rely on about the step-by-step process in trademark registration. They will be the ones who will help you or guide you with the different legal documents and requirements you have to prepare when registering a trademark symbol.

When filing a trademark registration, you should have all the minimum requirements prepared and present it to the PTO. The next step will be having it examined by the PTO’s patent and trademark lawyer where they will determine whether the trademark symbol you are trying to register is already being used or bears resemblance to other registered trademarks. They will be the ones who will determine whether your trademark symbol will be approved or rejected.

By hiring a patent and trademark lawyer, you can be sure that they will be the ones who will represent you if you file for a trademark appeal if your trademark has been rejected by the PTO or the Patent and Trademark Office. They will be the ones you can rely on if your trademark symbol is being contested or whether it is being used illegally by other companies without your permission.

These are the things that you need to know about trademark symbol and its registration process. By registering it, you can be sure that your business reputation is protected from other people who want to make easy money by using your trademark symbol in their products just to sell it fast at a low price.

Protect your business by registering your trademark symbol with the United States Patent and Registration Office.