What All Customers Really Want – Creating Sticky Businesses!

What All Customers Really Want – Creating Sticky Businesses!

What All Customers Really Want – Creating Sticky Businesses!

There is a popular sales and marketing axiom that states, people don’t buy goods, services, products or expertise. People buy solutions to their problems.

I believe this statement is true but I have had to clarify it for many of my consulting clients.

In spite of the billions of dollars of merchandise for sale in todays marketplace, customers are really looking for only three things;

1) Good Feelings
2) Solutions to Problems
3) Genuine Relationships

Do you know what your clients are REALLY buying?

Top business consultants generate billions of dollars in fees every year to make companies understand this simple truth.

Most companies engaged in professional services such as brokers, accountants, lawyers and doctors assume that their clients are buying their knowledge and expertise. In these expert industries a vendors expertise is usually ASSUMED by the customer. Rarely is it understood.

I assume that the legal advice you are giving me is correct.
I assume that the estate plan you have created for me is accurate.
I assume that the tax return you spent months working on is legal.
I assume that it is my appendix that has to be removed.
Customers in all industries purchase the EXPERIENCE of doing business with you.
As a professional merchant or vendor it is your job to make that experience as distinctively unique, pleasant and memorable as possible.

The hard lesson that Corporate America has had to learn is that customers are not purchasing what you think you are selling.

Customers buy the experience.

My question to you is, are you clear on the experience you are selling?

I do not purchase insurance. I acquire the peace of mind that when something goes wrong you will be there for me.

I do not purchase gifts for my children. I acquire the joy and pleasure that my child will have with your merchandise.

I do not purchase clothes. I acquire the comfort the wardrobe provides and the unique experience of being fashionable, stylish and attractive.

I do not buy food. I am acquiring relief from hunger and the joy my taste buds will feel with this incredible culinary delight.

I do not buy software. I purchase the pleasure of time saved, the prestige of recognition and the inside knowledge on how solutions are created.

I do not buy pest control chemicals. I acquire the pleasure of not seeing rodents and cockroaches in my home.

I do not buy airplane reservations. I acquire safe, on time, reliable and pleasant transportation to sexy destinations.

If you want to increase your companies sales you must understand that customers do not purchase things.

Customers buy ideas, feelings, happiness and positive experiences.

Worth remembering when you talk with customers.

Want to increase your sales? Provide the experience. Its been a wonderful blueprint for companies like Disney. Ever notice they never say come to our park, and ride our rides? They refer to it as the “Magic Kingdom.” Disney understands that you sell the experience.

What does this have to do with traffic and Search Engine Marketing?

Most newbies think they have a traffic problem.
Generating Traffic is the easy part of the equation.
Most online businesses have a conversion problem because they ignore this simple truth.