Work at Home Business

Work at Home Business

For the average American, it’s always the same. If you want to get filthy rich, come up with an idea, something that’s truly unique and never been thought of before, then start a business. Still, it’s interesting to find that with the amount of ideas everyone has come up with so far, thousands of work at home businesses continue to fail. It’s not for lack of genuinely unique ideas. Rather, it is primarily due to the fact that people are not familiar with the basics involved in running a work at home business.

The first thing you should consider when deciding to start a work at home business is the legal form, that tangible aspect of the business that you’ll be operating under. If you’re just starting, you are usually faced with four choices: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, and/or corporation.

For most work at home businesses, sole proprietorship is the most obvious choice. After all, it’s more likely that those who want to engage in a work at home business want freedom and independence not afforded in their previous jobs.

How to Succeed in a Work at Home Business

If you’re going to be successful in business, one of the basic traits you must develop is a tight hold on your expenditures. Don’t waste your start-up capital on frills, such as an impressive store-front office, expensive furnishings, and corporate legal costs. A good advice is to not purchase anything that doesn’t make money for you or protect your investment.

The good thing about work at home businesses on sole proprietorship is that you can invest everything you have without the need for a corporation to protect your investment. You’ll have all the protection you need from the homestead provision of the Federal Bankruptcy Act. By this act, your household possessions, personal belongings, generally your car, and even a portion of the equity of your home cannot be taken away from you.

However, as a sole proprietor or partner of a work at home business, you’ll be subject to tax cuts, much the same as when you still held down a salaried or hourly paid job. The thing with a corporation is that, as it is often advertised, you can manipulate your salary in order to save on tax dollars. This is very much real with corporation laws even though the IRS generally frowns on this practice.

When you decide to incorporate your work at home business, you’ll be subject to a number of drawbacks as well. These generally include higher state taxes, stricter laws concerning the operation of your business, more elaborate accounting procedures, and legal papers that are required every time you make a major move with your work at home business.

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