You Can Fix Bad Credit By Using These Tips
Some people are spending hours on the phone every day, speaking to creditors and lawyers and even more lenders, all in an attempt to break free of those bad credit chains that bind us up and keep us from enjoying life. Bad credit can weigh on your shoulders until it’s taken care of, so let’s take the steps to repair that score once and for all.
The many different types of credit you have, will certainly affect your credit score.
So try to have a few different accounts so that you can easily repair your credit. You want to have both installment and non-installment credit types on your report, having as many available credit as possible in each.
If you have extremely bad credit, consider going to a credit counselor. Even if you are on a tight budget, this might be a very good investment. A credit counselor will explain to you how to improve your credit score or how to pay off your debt in the most efficient way possible.
Do not add on additional debt if you are working on repairing your credit. Opening a new account when you have missed payments and late accounts on file sends up a red flag to possible lenders. Fix the credit problems you have before opening up any new credit cards.
To increase your credit score, keep the balance owed on your credit cards at less than 30% of the card’s total limit. The way you utilize your credit is something that credit bureaus consider when evaluating your credit, and a little restraint will go a long way to show that you use your credit responsibly.
If you are just starting out with your credit, it will be very difficult to find a way to get credit. One option that is normally available, is to get a low balance credit card from a store at your local mall. The big department stores probably will not give you a card, but the smaller stores, such as Old Navy, Rue 21, and Footlocker likely will.
It may be a good idea to include an old-fashioned bank loan in your credit repair activities. Banks may be willing to give even those with bad credit a loan. Paying back a small loan on time will really help your credit history. Be aware, however, that you won’t get the best terms with poor credit. You may have to suffer a bad interest rate or put up collateral to secure the loan.
Never EVER trust a credit repair company who only accepts cash! This is a major red flag and tells you that this is not a company you need to be working with. Look for a company who will allow you to at least pay via check or some other reversible form of payment.
Now that you know a thing or two about how to repair that bad credit score, it’s time to put the tips into action and get started on living a bad-credit-free life. Remember to take your time and to examine all the angles. Not every piece of advice you read related to credit will instantly work for you, but you need to keep plugging away at it until it’s resolved.